Potential of the Czech fashion sector. Full report.

I would like to share the latest report on the Czech fashion sector that I co-authored for the Institute of Arts/Czech Ministry of Culture. Our team worked really hard to assess, in a holistic way, the current situation in the sector.  The publication is predominantly written in the Czech language, however, it has a detailed Executive Summary in English which you can find via this link https://bit.ly/2C1wwMy on pages 21-28 or by clicking on the image.

So, what’s the verdict?

“The Czech fashion sector has growth potential. To ensure this opportunity is maximised, it is vital to systematically support and sustainably develop the sector. Despite the current challenges identified in this report, there is appetite and a sense of urgency within the sector to succeed in fulfilling its potential.”

The primary objective of the study was to qualitatively research the Czech fashion sector, its structure, current position, and needs – with a focus on the fashion design segment. The report provided an opportunity to position the Czech fashion sector and fashion design on the map of the Czech cultural and creative industries.

The report identified key 11 needs that must be addressed for future successful development of the fashion sector and fashion design.