Tag / fashionbusiness

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    3WLABEL x Felicia Simion collab

    3WLABEL collaborated with a visual artist Felicia Simion on a series of campaign images. Felicia said: “Meeting the co-founder of 3WLABEL Irina Moreno gave me hope that we are not helpless in front of textile waste and environmental challenges. Through its work, 3WLABEL transforms deadstock fabric into timeless clothes, in an effort towards sustainability and…

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    3WLABEL part of Black Sea ClimAccelerator 2022

    3WLABEL is one of sixteen start-ups offering innovative solutions for a sustainable future that were selected for the Black Sea ClimAccelerator 2022, a regional accelerator dedicated to green businesses in Romania and Bulgaria.  Start-ups will benefit from a total funding of EUR 120,000 plus an intense period of mentoring, networking, consulting, and dedicated workshops. In total,…

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    3WLABEL sustainable fashion brand

    3WLABEL is a sustainable fashion brand created for women who care about the planet’s finite resources. The current collection ‘Reclaimed Luxury’ is inspired by today’s independent woman who is mindful of her purchasing decisions’ impact on the planet yet who seeks a feminine and minimal look. The 3WLABEL woman appreciates the simple things in life. She…

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    Circular Fashion Design by Ellen MacArthur Foundation

    This is a a tip for a beautiful book on circular fashion design.  The book shows how creatives can transform the fashion industry, a major contributor to global challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss, by being part of the solution.  The book showcases circular design in practice and the stories of circular fashion pioneers…

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    European Fashion Accelerator looks at sustainability amongst young fashion designers in V4

    The European Fashion Accelerator (EFA) has been supporting Visegrad 4 fashion’s young creative talent for over 8 years. The main aim is to provide targeted education and support to young Central European creatives and change the local creative industry for the better. EFA recognises the growing importance of sustainable agenda in fashion. As part of…

  • Crisis Planning Worksheet – Creative Micro and Small Businesses

    I have shared this crisis planning worksheet with creative businesses, mainly independent fashion brands, during discussions and consultations that we have had over the last week. It highlights what needed to be done at he beginning of the crisis and needs to be checked throughout the next three months to mitigate  risks posed by the…

  • Fashion management text book

      ‘Fashion management’ by Grada publishing is the first widely available study text book in the Czech language. Together with our publication Potential of the Czech Fashion Sector, they are a perfect pairing for students and anyone interested in #CzechFashionIndustry @ModniPravo pic.twitter.com/htVGd94I0N — Zuzana Mandic (@zuzanazuz) June 3, 2019